“N” in Amsterdam

998753_10153774572885290_1754416287_nAlthough the city of Amsterdam may be small, it definitely has a lot to offer. In one short weekend, we managed to pack in a visit to Anne Frank’s house, the Heineken factory, the Van Gogh museum, and the Red Light District, just to name a few. But of course, I have to mention our ever so predictable visit to the “I Amsterdam” letters. Every year, American students study abroad and every single one of those students travel to Amsterdam and take pictures with THE letters. When it was my turn for the visit, I found the experience was well…not exactly euphoric. First off, whats a girl to do when the letter of your first name (or even last name) is not even in the phrase “I Amsterdam”? Was I supposed to just take a random picture with a large “S” for no apparent reason? Additionally, the place was FLOODED with tourists who were climbing everywhere to get a picture on these letters. So just as a warning to students traveling abroad in years to come – im sorry to break it to ya, but the hype is certainly not real.

But if I’m going to talk about my trip to Amsterdam, I have to talk about the food. This city REALLY knows how to cater to their “audience”. I mean, really. I can easily say I came back to Barcelona 15 pounds heavier, yet without the slightest morsel of regret. I consumed the most amazing pancakes, waffles, cheese, chocolate and french fries this world has to offer. Check out the picture’s below for details and be careful not to drool…

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